Myths about older people learning new dental health information

Myth breaker: Old dogs can learn new tricks

Contrary to the old adage: - You can teach old dogs new tricks!
As we live longer, we also want and need to stay healther longer. Our teeth need to last longer. Dr Rodrigo from the Oral Health Cooperative Research Centre at the University of Melbourne debunked myths about learning and older people in a recently article in the Australian Dental Journal 2015.

Dr Rodrigo pointed out that providing clinical treatment to older patients was only part of the health story. For better health people need to effectively self- manage disease prevention.

Broken myths-new learning

  1. Older adults can change lifelong habits successfully
  2. Learning and understanding your own health can lead to very successful health changes

We know each of our patients "has a story" and our aim is to help you by respecting your whole life experience and helping you understand what we now know about healthy teeth and gums. We customise our health information for your individual circumstances. Please feel free to ask any questions and let us know when you don't understand what we are saying - sometimes we forget and do "dental speak"!

Contact us

Mon - Fri 8:30 am -5:30 pm
Sat 8.30 am -1 pm

575 Riversdale Rd
Camberwell VIC 3124 AU

Monash University Health Service Dental Clinic (Clayton)
21 Chancellors Walk,
Clayton Campus, Monash University.
03 9905 1000


Camberwell Dental Group

Two convenient locations
Camberwell and Monash University




Our Clinicians Book Online

Dr Stephen Liew BDSc (Mel), FPFA, FADI, MAICD, FICD
Dr Marjan Ardebili BDS (Manchester,UK), MFDS (RCS Ed)
Dr Erik Magee BDSc (Melb)
Dr Sue King BDSc (Melb)
Dr Lin Liang BDSc (Hons Melb)
Dr Jordan Hawkins BSc (Melb) DDS (Melb)
Dr Rochelle Lim BDSc (JCU)
Dr Balakka Reddy BDSc (Hons Melb)
Dr Ben Douglas BSc (Melb) DDS
Mr Richard Huggins MBBS (Hons), BDSc, BSc, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Surg Anat, MPhil, FRACDS

Camberwell Dental Group and Monash University Dental Clinic. Dentists promoting health care for life. Family orientated

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