Bad breath and your dental health

  • May not be caused within the mouth
  • We have bacteria that produce sulphur containing compounds
  • Reduce the quality of bacteria in your mouth to reduce the problem - clean well, floss between the teeth, clean your tongue.

Research on bad breath

  1. Sweet breath with tree bark
    According to scientists breath mints made of magnolia bark extract can kill most oral bacteria that cause bad breath. They also found the extract had an affect against the bacteria that causes cavities. The scientist suggested this may help provide supplemental dental care where brushing your teeth was not possible.
    American Chemical Society (2007, November 20). Sweet Magnolia: Tree Bark Extract Fights Bad Breath And Tooth Decay. ScienceDaily.
  2. We have bacteria in our mouths that are natural odour eaters.
    Researchers from Kings College (U.K.) have isolated bacteria that mop up the smelly compounds in our mouths that are linked to bad breath. Up until recently these particular bacteria were known to exist as part of the normal oral microbiological environment but their role was not recognised.
    The same group of researchers have previously found the same offensive compounds associated with smelly feet. Strains of odour eating bacteria are also part of normal foot microbial flora.
    The odour-eating bacteria has been found in the tongue and gum edge of volunteers. It is not known whether quantities of these bacteria are the determinate factor in preventing bad breath.
    Maybe research will be able to lead to using nature's tools to reduce bad breath and foot odour!

*Information from British Dental Journal (2005):193


Contact us

Mon - Fri 8:30 am -5:30 pm
Sat 8.30 am -1 pm

575 Riversdale Rd
Camberwell VIC 3124 AU

Monash University Health Service Dental Clinic (Clayton)
21 Chancellors Walk,
Clayton Campus, Monash University.
03 9905 1000


Camberwell Dental Group

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Dr Stephen Liew BDSc (Mel), FPFA, FADI, MAICD, FICD
Dr Marjan Ardebili BDS (Manchester,UK), MFDS (RCS Ed)
Dr Erik Magee BDSc (Melb)
Dr Sue King BDSc (Melb)
Dr Lin Liang BDSc (Hons Melb)
Dr Jordan Hawkins BSc (Melb) DDS (Melb)
Dr Rochelle Lim BDSc (JCU)
Dr Balakka Reddy BDSc (Hons Melb)
Dr Ben Douglas BSc (Melb) DDS
Mr Richard Huggins MBBS (Hons), BDSc, BSc, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Surg Anat, MPhil, FRACDS

Camberwell Dental Group and Monash University Dental Clinic. Dentists promoting health care for life. Family orientated

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